The Flag of Oman is in its present form since 1995.Im 18th and 19th centuries, under the rule of the Al Said, Oman was one of the most powerful seafaring States in the Arab world. As the emirates on the north coast of Oman on the Persian Gulf also led Oman traditionally a pure red flag of the Sherif of Mecca ein.Nach takeover of power by Sultan Qaboos bin Said in 1970 and the renaming of the country of the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman in Oman was a Design Competition to design a new flag performed. It consists of a vertical red stripe at the flagpole and horizontal stripes in white, red and green. In vertical red stripes, the State emblem or the emblem of the ruling dynasty is inserted. The new flag of Oman was officially launched on December 17, 1970, the width of the strip in 1985, aligned and the aspect ratio of 2: 3 set. On 18 October 1995, the proportions were 1: 2 changed and reduced the width of the red vertical stripe. For the colors, there are different colours represents the religious leaders, the imam of the country and for peace and Wohlstand.Grün symbolizes the Jabal al-Akhdar (Green Mountain) or fertility. The red stripe represents the capital Muscat and for the fight against invaders.
Official language Arabic
Capital Muscat
Form of government Absolute monarchy
Head of State His Highness Sultan am Qaboos Said Al Said
Oman area 309.501 km2
Population Oman 2,773,479 million (2010)
National Anthem Nashid as-Salaam as-Sultani
Timezone GMT + 4
Dialing code +968
Voltage 220-250V, 50Hz, British three-pin plugs
Highest peak Jebel Sham-2980 m
Coastline about 1750 km at the Indian Ocean
Illiteracy rate 18.6% (2006)
Avg. Life expectancy 74 years
Extract water from desalination plants
Flight time from Central Europe around 6 hours
Police emergency number 9999
Weekend Thursday and Friday
Holidays November 18 (national holiday and birthday of the Sultan)
January 1 (New Year
gem. Islamic calendar: Birthday of Prohet Mohammed (Milad un Nabi), Lailat Al Miraj (Night of the Assumption), Eid al Fitr (Feast of Ramadan), Eid Al Adha (Sacrifice), Islamic New Year per capita GDP
Gross domestic product) 7. 421 U $
Oman is one of the least populated countries in the world. Approximately 5% of the population still live as nomads. Between 1994 and 2004, the population of the increasing population growth in recent years grew by 17.5% .Among was especially the influx of foreign workers in.
General Government Ministry, embassies and consulates have hours from 08:00 hrs until 14:00.
Islam sanctifies Friday. Friday morning is all closed. Friday afternoon at the latest 16:30 all shops, museums, monuments and markets have reopened. Thursdays are the regular opening times, that 10:00 to 13 and 16.30 to 22.00.
During the holy month of Ramadan, change shops often their opening times by inserting a longer lunch break and haben.Restaurants for evening open longer are in Ramadan daytime either closed or only offer take-away an.Abends after sunset everything is back to normal and it prevails especially a lot of life in the streets.
The state religion is Islam. Approximately 75% of the population is Islamic Ibaditen.Die remaining 25% of the population are mainly Sunnis, Shiites and Hindus. The Christians in Oman, which account for 2.5% of the population, are mostly immigrants from Eastern and Central Asia.
The combination of international influences and a strong bond with regional traditions has created a fascinating mix of new and old. The culture of the UAE is deeply rooted in the Islamic traditions of Arabia. Islam is more than a religion; It is a way of life that regulates everyday life, from the question of what you wear to what you eat and drink. The culture and tradition of the UAE are inextricably linked to their religion, which is a shining example of the true devotion of Islam to tolerance and hospitality. Foreigners are allowed to practice their own religion and the dress code is tolerant. Women can drive a car and move around unaccompanied. Among the most valued values ​​are courtesy and hospitality and visitors will surely be enchanted by the sincere friendliness of the people. Despite the rapid economic development of the last 40 years, the preservation of tradition and culture has priority. Among others, falconry, camel races and dhows are traditional activities in the UAE.
Although the official language is Arabic, English is the most widely spoken language due to the multicultural environment. There are also English radio and television stations, as well as newspapers and signposts etc. In the hotels you will almost always find someone who speaks German, if not, is your concept Arabia travel guide at any time personally or by phone to help in case of communication problems.
As a tourist allowed to do private vacation photos, but you should politely ask for permission before photographing other people, especially women. Photos of government buildings, military installations and ports and airports should not be made. Cameras may be prohibited in public areas, which are intended for women and children.
Oman offers almost all year round sunshine, rainfall and almost perfect winter temperatures. The climate is subtropical. Sunny, blue skies and warm temperatures prevail most of the year. It rains only sporadically, mostly in winter (November to March) and vary by an average of 12 cm per year.The temperatures of about 13 ° C in winter nights to 48 ° C on hot summer days. The cooler months from November to April are the most pleasant months to visit, as the temperatures are about 24 ° C during the day and 15 ° C at night.
You will find a fairly strict dress code in Oman who should respect you. Herrensollten always wear long pants; short be considered underpants and insult. Ladies please hold only long pants or skirt to the calf, shoulders and arms covered and do not show any clipping. In a mosque visit in addition a hair of women is required completely concealing cloth. They have no chance without these dresses recommendation (the gentlemen) to see a mosque from the inside. The Omanis are very friendly, open-minded and considerate people you should not offend by misplaced clothes.
According to the 1996 Constitution ("Basic Law of the State") Oman is an absolute monarchy (Sultanate). Supreme ruler of the country is the Sultan, which combines the post of head of state and government in itself. Ministers appointed by him have only advisory and administrative functions; currently there are 30 Ministeries. The law is based on Islamic law.
The National Consultative Council (Majlis Oman) is built according to the bicameral assembly with only a consultative role. The upper house, the National Assembly (Majlis al-Dawla), composed of 41 members appointed by the Sultan members zusammen.Das lower house, the Consultative Assembly (Majlis ash-Shura), is chosen from Omanis aged from 21 years to three years, the Sultan of 164 elected candidates finally 82 to appoint members of the Assembly. In addition, the Sultan has the right, the legislation is made by decrees; political parties are banned.
Oman is divided into eight provinces, which are subdivided into districts.
Oman has experienced through the late 1960's onset extracting oil profound restructuring of an agriculturally oriented economy to export-oriented oil industry. In 2004, The Agriculture only accounts for 2% of GDP, while industry 56% and services 42% accounted for. In the same year, GDP grew by 3.1%. Unemployment among Omani nationals in 2004 was on average 13.5% .Erwerbstätig in 2000 were 6% of the population works in agriculture, 11% in industry and 82% in services. 2003, the share of military expenditure in GDP was 12.2%, that for education 4.6% and that for health 3.2%.
The currency in Oman is the Omani Rial (commonly abbreviated as R. O.) to 1,000 Baisas. He is tied to the US dollar. 1 Rial equivalent 1.99 Euro or 1 Euro 0.5 OMR (15 March 2013). Inflation exists virtually no and the ten-year average of 1985-1995 there was a deflation of 0.2%. In 2003, inflation was -0.4% on average. You can pay anywhere in R. O., however, rarely in US dollars or even euros. There are many notes on which Sultan Qaboos is ready, because even 100 Baisas (about 20 euro cents) are issued in paper money.
Today Oman has been inhabited since the Stone Age. Before Islam, the province Dhofar belonged to the kingdom of the Sabeans, which has become known by the legend of the visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon. Oman was known to 3,000 v. Chr. The Sumerians in Mesopotamia.
Following the acquisition of Islam around 630 n. Chr. Oman was part of the Caliphate of the Umayyads and Abbasids. Especially in the hinterland spread to 700 the sect of Ibaditen from which gründeten.Teile an independent imamate in the 9th century. In the interior of the Omani population dodged to East Africa, where they established the supremacy of the Arabs in the western Indian Ocean. The port city of Sohar rose meanwhile to the most important commercial center of the Islamic world and maintained contacts up in the Imperial China and to East Africa. After the destruction by the Zohar Buyids (965), the country was repeatedly occupied by Persian conquerors before the end of the 15th Jh./Anfang 16th century. The Portuguese took control of Hormuz.
In the fight against the invaders Oman was incorporated under the Yaruba dynasty since the 17th century. After the expulsion of the Portuguese mid-17th century. Rose Oman on naval power in the Indian Ocean and Muscat was an important trading center between Arabia and India. Around 1730 captured Saif ibn Sultan of Zanzibar and large areas of the East African coast. The island was built in 1840 by Said bin Sultan, also known as Sayyid Said (1806-1856), even declared to the residence. In 1750, the Al Said was founded, the Oman still dominates.
From 1798 to Britain gained in Oman influence: A between the Sultan of Muscat and the British East India Company closed Treaty reinforced the dominance of the British in the Gulf region. Nevertheless, Oman witnessed in the first half of the 19th century the height of its power. After the loss of Zanzibar (1856) of the economic decline of the country, which has been exacerbated by the conservative policy of the sultans began. Though formally always independent, got Oman - among others by treaties of 1891 - the end of the 19th century in dependence in Großbritannien.Die British preeminence ended gradually, particularly as a result of the announced 1968 deduction of British troops "east of Suez".
In 1913 proclaimed by hill tribes in the interior Ibadite Imamat in 1955 occupied by troops of the Sultan, the Imam after a rebellion attempt in 1957 vertrieben.Sultan Said bin Taimur, who ruled from 1932 to 1970, Reserve left the country in its backwardness and international isolation: Slavery was maintained high internal tariffs applicable, limited the school system in madrassas. Only at the beginning of oil production and the accession of Qaboos bin Said al Said, who had in 1970 his father deposed, there was first reforms: abolition of slavery as well as the source and travel restrictions, use of parts of the oil revenues to improve infrastructure.
1965 arose in the province of Dhofar rebels who were supported in part by the South Yemen, against the government. these recurrent reigniting conflicts until 1976. were Settled During the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in 1990, the US increased its military presence in this part of the Gulf region.
In the interior desert to semi-desert alternate with dry grasses, date palms and briars and vegetation-free full deserts from. The moist mountain slopes are of forests and shrubs with acacias, sycamores and Jasmin bedeckt.In the Karabergen outweigh dry shrubs, including the frankincense tree. At altitudes over 1,000 m, there are junipers, olive trees, cedars and euphorbias, on the latter is sometimes found as a special feature of the parasite Hydnora locust.
Among the wild animals still occurs the rare Black porcupine; as pets enjoy Oman dromedaries a special reputation. There are about 85 species of native birds, migratory birds added that you were watching kann.Insgesamt in Oman spotted already more than 450 different species of birds. There are in the country protected areas for egg-laying on the beaches of Oman sea turtles. The original in nature already extinct Arabian Oryx was reintroduced in a conservation area in the 1980s, the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary was recognized by UNESCO in 1994 as World Heritage. In 2007 the area was stripped as the first worldwide trusted Pat again, as it had been reduced by the government to one tenth and therefore the conditions are no longer fulfilled.
Before the coasts are rich fishing grounds with mackerel, tuna, sardines and Sharks, whales and dolphins.
In Oman there is a wide range of restaurants from around the world. From the Indian fast food to excellent 5 star restaurants, everything is completely represented.
The restaurants and bars outside the hotel facilities are licensed and serve alcoholic beverages. Outside of the hotel facilities no alcohol is available.
Pork Meat:
Non- Muslims can in certain restaurants eat pork - each dish containing pork, is prepared separately by the courts without pork and is clearly marked on the menu.
In most hotels and restaurants are already 17% service charge and tax included the statement. Gratuities are not expected. Porters, maids, drivers and guides are pleased with a small tip.